The Ugly Truth About Clutter: How It Affects Your Mental and Physical Health

February 27, 2024 Self Storage

From overflowing closets to overcrowded desks, your physical spaces are a reflection of the stress you feel on the inside.

Did you ever think deeply about the negative effects that clutter can have on your life? Cluttered, unmanageable spaces can be destructive to your mental and physical health. They can affect family relationships, your career, and your social life.

That’s why you need a place to store your clutter. The best option is a safe, well-maintained, and affordable self storage facility. Modern Storage Solutions offers a variety of types and sizes of self storage units that can give you the space you need. Declutter your home by storing your belongings. You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing they will be secure and easily accessible.

Declutter Mental Health and how it affects your mood

The Psychology Behind Clutter

To truly understand the impact of clutter, it is important to understand your feelings toward your possessions. Clutter can often be a result of emotional attachments, a fear of letting go, or the need for security.

Emotional Attachments
If you attach meaning to objects, it makes your possessions a form of self-expression and identity. For instance, if you associate memories, experiences, or aspirations with things, disposing of them can be like losing a part of yourself. It’s critical to know the difference between clutter and objects that truly hold value.

A tattered piece of paper with your grandmother’s handwritten recipe may hold deep meaning for you but to someone else, it’s clutter.

Fear of Regret
Fear of regretting a decision to let something go is another barrier to freeing yourself from clutter. We hold onto some items out of fear of needing them in the future. This fear can prevent you from creating an organized environment. People who have faced poverty or lack can suffer from the inability to dispose of even useless items.

Clutter can result in a need for security when possessions make you feel safe and grounded. Holding onto certain things can provide a sense of security, especially during times of uncertainty. An unhealthy attachment to objects can inhibit personal growth.
The Impact of Clutter on Mental Health

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Living in a cluttered space can have a significant impact on your mental health. According to the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people who live in cluttered homes are subject to high levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Chronic stress, disease progression, weight gain, and mortality risk have all been associated with cortisol.

When your physical environment is cluttered, it can create a constant visual reminder of unfinished tasks and disorganization. Consequently, you feel helpless.

Brain Overstimulation
Clutter can overstimulate the brain, making it difficult to focus and process information. Princeton University conducted a study showing that individuals surrounded by clutter experienced decreased productivity. In this case, cognitive function and decision-making skills decreased.

Sleep Quality
A cluttered bedroom can create a sense of unease and make it difficult to relax. Decluttering your bedroom creates a more peaceful environment. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and energized, leading to increased energy and productivity.

The Impact of Clutter on Physical Health

Respiratory Issues and Allergies
In a cluttered space, dust can accumulate on surfaces and in hidden corners. This may result in dust mites, a common allergen that aggravates symptoms of allergies or asthma. Decluttering and regular cleaning can reduce the presence of dust and improve respiratory health.

Physical Discomfort
Clutter can also contribute to poor posture and physical discomfort. Navigating around objects in a cluttered space often causes limited movement and awkward body positions. The effect can be increased muscle tension causing joint and back pain.

According to Dr. Eva Shalhoub, because clutter is stressful to the brain, it can be the cause of emotional overeating. An overwhelmed individual is more likely to resort to coping mechanisms, including consuming unhealthy foods.

Being stressed makes you more likely to grab the first bag of chips that you see instead of looking for a healthy alternative. This is especially true if the refrigerator and pantry are overcrowded and disorganized.

Maintaining A Clutter-Free Environment

Decluttering is not a single event but rather an ongoing process. To maintain a clutter-free environment, it is essential to make organization a part of your lifestyle.

The Self Storage Solution
One practical strategy to control your clutter is a convenient self storage unit. Don’t just relocate your possessions to another area of your living space. Store them. The clutter is gone—not gone forever—but removed to a secure self-storage facility.

It will no longer negatively affect you and the people close to you. You can visit your belongings any time, but you don’t have to live with the mess and chaos.

Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions
To prevent clutter from accumulating schedule weekly, monthly, or seasonal decluttering sessions. Regular cleaning will ensure that your space remains organized.

Mindful Consumption
Be intentional about the items you bring into your space. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if the item serves a purpose. This will help to prevent impulse shopping.

Let Go of Sentimental Items.
Sentimental items can be some of the most challenging to discard. You don’t need to hold on to numerous sentimental items. Choose a select few that truly hold significant meaning. Consider taking photographs or creating memory books to preserve your memories.

Establish Simple Routines.
Create daily or weekly routines to maintain organization. Making the bed each morning and tidying up in the evening can make a significant difference in keeping your space orderly


The science is clear. Clutter can contribute to increased stress levels, reduced focus, and physical health issues. However, by decluttering our spaces, we can improve focus and productivity.

By making organization a part of our lifestyle, we can transform our homes into peaceful sanctuaries. Declutter is not a one-and-done event. It’s a consistent effort to maintain a tidy environment.

So, grab that trash bag, roll up your sleeves, and begin your decluttering journey to create a happier, healthier you. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

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